Dalton Johnson
It is with much sadness that we acknowledge the passing of long time member Dalton Johnson. Dalton loved the hobby of model railroading. He would often be seen around our club working on or running trains. He was instrumental in bringing other people to the hobby.
Dalton was very friendly, he enjoyed a good laugh and he always lifted the spirits of those around him. Dalton had some special trains he ran around Del Oro, some were in memory of past member Gary Kimble. As Gary aged, he couldn’t drive around very well, Dalton would pick him up and bring Gary to events, this tells you a lot about Dalton’s character.
Besides Del Oro Pacific, Dalton was very active with the Orange County Model Engineers where he operated his Southern Pacific 7.5” gauge locomotive. He would give many rides behind his locomotive and he had a passion for the hobby that was infectious.
We have lost a wonderful friend and brother and while we grieve, we must also do what Dalton taught us to do best, run trains! He had a wonderful spirit, and while absent from us now, we will remember his smile, his kindness and his ever present interest in sharing thoughts about the hobby. To all who loved Dalton, we grieve with you and from our club to Dalton’s family, we send our deepest condolences. Green lights and shiny rails dear friend!